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Summary/Intro: vel, esse quae ut nonummy nimis bene. Quidne pecus, foras quia huic autem hos euismod facilisi vel exputo macto elit abico.


Sample Fieldset
You must first specify a Country.


  • Info messages is what I am.
  • Info messages is what I am.
  • Warn messages is what I am.

Please resubmit the form after addressing the following:

  • Info messages is what I am.
  • Warn messages is what I am.
  • Error messages is what I am.

Please resubmit the form after addressing the following:

  • Info messages is what I am.
  • Warn messages is what I am.
  • Error messages is what I am.
  • Fatal messages is what I am.
Message Label Examples
Info messages is what I am.
Warn messages is what I am.
Error messages is what I am.
Fatal messages is what I am.

Variation: Columns

Note: Column Layouts are applied to the direct children of the element given the className. DO NOT add formColumns--x directly to a fieldset as webkit browsers have a bug and do not render correctly.

1/2/3 Column
City/State/ZIP Column Pattern


Variation: Inline Labels


Variation: Nested Labels