Autoscope Speed Management

Product Overview
The All Modes module of Autoscope Analytics now empowers your roadway operations to fully and intuitively integrate the safety needs of all VRUs (Vulnerable Road Users) -- including pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcyclists. Vehicles which are more challenged to safely share the road with VRUs, are differentiated, counted, and speed measured.
This cloud-based analytics solution leverages industry-leading detection technologies to generate new data insights with comprehensive safety analytics. VRU data informs how people bicycle, scooter, and walk on streets, sidewalks, and crosswalks, as well as where and when fatal or severe injury crashes are most likely. This information delivers a technical basis to inform decisions on near-term operational changes and proactive selection of the most effective Proven Safety Countermearsures to implement before crashes occur.
Features and Highlights
- Continuously measures volumes and speeds of VRUs and vehicles.
- Calculates VRU mode shares by location - on streets, on sidewalks, and crossing streets - to define the space and pace of road user demands, and enable a strategic view of all modes to balance, or to prioritize, the competing demands for limited road space.
- Documents potential need to adjust speed limit and pedestrian crossing minimum green times based on levels of observed VRU activity.